Learn about the artist REAGAN BROWNE and the person who created the music.

What made you want to become a musician?
I believe music is the highest, most honest art form there is out there, and for some reason it resonated with my soul, and ears more than I think a lot of people. I’ve daydreamed about playing and writing music as far back as as me being 3-4 years old way before I could ever imagine how to go about doing it. I do think I got lucky though because I was introduced at a very early age some of the best music the world has ever heard with the Beatles and the Beach Boys.
What inspired you to start making music?
Like I said it was always with me on a deep level, but being a kid that grew up during the MTV era seeing these really cool bands like Van Halen, made me want to be in a band, as well and perform in front of people. The moment that sealed the deal for me was seeing my first real concert The Eagles when I was 16. I knew that’s what I wanted to do in life.
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
My Music seems to have a dreamy, somewhat melancholic vibe about it a lot of times, but I like to write about positive things, and inspiring people or myself to keep looking up and hope for the best.
Describe the creative process when you write music
9 times out of ten it starts with a chord progression or a riff I came up with on the guitar. The real test for me is being able to sing something melodic and catchy over it, which I believe is the most important thing in a song. If I can’t come up with anything I know I don’t have a song worth pursuing no matter how great the music is behind it.
What is the one message you would give to your fans?
Thank you for believing in what I’m doing, and for giving me a chance in a world were everyone seems to have the attention span of a nat at this point. The dream is to be able to play these songs in front of you one day, and to have as many people across the globe hear and like what I’m doing. If you’re a fan, and you think some of your friends and family would like me as well, please spread the word, and support indie artist.